Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We have nothing really to complain about with the supermarket. Maybe only that there are too many variations of each sort, which makes it a hard time choosing. But just one remark has to be done: We have been searching every time for havregryn! (porridge oats). The conclusion is there is no havregryn in France. Then we wonder: Do they not eat havregrynsgrøt (porridge) in France? We have even found the french word: ”gruau d’avoine”. But the answer is ”desoleé” (No, sorry).
Well there is no browncheese either, but that was expected and we will not claim for any other country to sell this strange cheese. But havregryn, come on, we see you have it on top of the bread!

1 comment:

Mari said...

I didn`t know that I should appreciate havregryn so much...
