Monday, September 29, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'll be back!

From september on I'll again be in lovely France! Now the Architecture School of Grenoble.

Going home...

Easter, and season over for me. Went home from Paris, and got a super guided afternoon by Mathieu I hadn't seen since Aberdeen. Thanks Mathieu!

Skibum goes Paris
Amelie's local shop?
L'arc de Triomphe

Alpes d'Huez

Over the Lautaret where the snow was..


Frequently asked questions:

”Where are you from? Finland?”
”Where do you work?”
"What kind of bindings are that???!

Kodla i venda..

Knut: "Kest ha du vore? Ha du kodla i vendao? hehe.."

Sognamaol: Kodla i venda= gjort et tryn

4 things to remember in Telemark skiing:

1.The calf forward in the boot.
2.The upper body facing down the slope.
3.Pressure on the outer ski.
4.Bend the knee for God’s sake! Oh, you are tired are you? No excuse!!
(A straight leg has no control..)

Club Alpin Francais Briancon

In the middle of the season I joined CAF Briancon, to do some skitouring, and to speak more french...

Ekspedisjon to the east

Ten days away from skiing. I headed east, visited Vibeke in Budapest, on the way back I went by the Balaton lake, Zagreb, Julian Alps - Slovenia.

Bled Castle
Backyard Zagreb
Roofscape Zagreb
Market Zagreb


Anne and Vibeke
Itchy doing architecture sightseeing

Danube river, Budapest

And a little bit of architecture